Loving Legacy, Meaningful Impact


Marianne Holton was beloved by her husband Edward. She was the joy of his life and a great lover of animals. He honored her by making a substantial donation in her memory to the Humane Society Naples via his estate. HSN is a charity whose work was especially important to her. When he passed away in 2018, this very generous bequest was dedicated to the much-needed renovation of the Oaks Boarding and Intake Facility.

Oaks Boarding and Intake Facility

The Oaks campus houses HSN's Operation Rescue, an emergency boarding program for individuals and families in crisis who need a safe place for their pets while they take essential steps for rebuilding their lives. It also serves as our main Intake Facility for dogs and cats coming to us from (a) other shelters across the state who need our special services, (b) from special emergency placement transports in collaboration with the local DAS or national ASPCA or HSUS or (c) from our partnership with the All Sato Rescue in Puerto Rico.

Staff member with dog

Lastly, the Oaks campus provides the special environment required for retraining and supporting dogs with special behavioral issues so that they can enjoy the kind of life all pets should be allowed to experience. Pictured here are Jumanji and his Animal Care guide, Skylar, teaching him the skills to enjoy life with a loving forever family.